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C.H. DISTRICT- Live at Wroclaw Industrial Festival CD

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Brands Zoharum
Product Code: ZOHAR 247-2
Availability: 1
3.00€ 12.00€

Release date 07.11.2021

CD folded in six-panels digipack released in limited edition of 300 copies.

The latest album of C.H. District is 100% live material, recorded during a concert at the 19th Wrocław Industrial Festival in the middle of the lockdown and broadcast entirely online. Mirek Matyasik - the founder of the project - presents a material mostly based on the use of modular synthesizers, extracting dense, motor structures, giving the composition a distinctive character. The heavy beats, kept in medium tempos, set the rhythm and fill a large part of the set, constituting a strong pillar for the successive tracks with a metallic, rough sound appearing at different moments. At the same time, the composer consciously uses the available means to build tension and atmosphere in a controlled manner throughout the performance. He does not give way for a moment, does not allow himself to unnecessary shoals, keeping the attention of the audience focused all the time. While in the sound tracks and structures based on heavy, mechanical rhythms, we can listen for references to C.H. District's work from the initial period of his activity, while listening more carefully to the depths of the composition, woven with a whole lot of flavors, bits of melody, a thicket of means that make up C.H. District on the whole, you can feel the experience gained from working on music for Tympanik or M-Tronic. An interesting addition is a material recorded during one of the streams, which was broadcast from a home studio, based on the same framework, but as a result of improvisation running in a slightly different direction. This publication is a record of a fleeting fragment in the work of C.H. District, captured during two Live performances, which today, after spreading the developed patterns on a modular synthesizer, cannot be recreated.

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