
DAHLIA'S TEAR - Harmonious Euphonies for Supernatural Traumas Mesmerising Our Existences in Radient Corpuscle Galaxies CD


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DAHLIA'S TEAR - My Rotten Spirit of Black CD

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Brands Infinite Fog Productions
Product Code: IF-92
Availability: 4

Release of 2019
Comes as digipak.

Are you the real owner of your existence?
The last light in the universe went out on the coast of a metallic cliff where no one could pass. At that moment, a water droplet fell from the most distant stars to the earth. There was a story in this water drop that no one knew. The shadows of twilight deepened as the story grew into a cold, steady rain. Indolently shades of silver crept onto the mountainside and the water formed a mirror, turning the stars into a crown. Obliviously, your essence is snared by the solitude in the gloom of the night.
Morphing and shifting drones blend in musical, dreamy, light-hearted elements with harsher and remote industrial field recordings projecting the image of enchanted dark woods and snow-covered mountain peaks.
Original tracks released by Alcor Production (Alc 1) in 2007
Restored and Remastered at Nightade (Sweden) by Anile.D. (Dahlia’s Tear)
Comes in 4 Panel Digipack CD with Michal Karcz’s stunning artwork.

Just imagine the idea of making dark ambient darker... With this second release, Dahlia’s Tear engage this concept in a most sinister and provocative fashion while simultaneously branching off in a fairly different direction than the debut.
For the music lover who can sit and enjoy the evolving sound of someone else’s nightmares!

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